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Big fish in a sentence

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Sentence count:58+4 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-02-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: fisheryfishermanfishingselfishjellyfishloaves and fisheshang firebigMeaning: n. an important influential person. 
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1. Big fish eat little fish.
2. The old man tussled with the big fish.
3. He carefully jerked a big fish out of water.
4. He landed one very big fish.
5. The four men arrested were described as really big fish by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency.
6. He boasted about the big fish he had caught.
7. She reeled up a big fish.
7. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
8. In South Africa, Jani was a big fish in a small pond.
9. They say you can catch really big fish.
10. That's a mighty big fish.
11. He wanted a big fish to take her bait.
12. Carp are no different from any other big fish.
13. There are no big fish left to angle for.
14. So far, the products have landed some big fish.
15. Not a good place to catch big fish.
16. I liked being a comparatively big fish in a relatively small pond!
17. For a start we caught our first big fish[], an important moment on any voyage.
18. The possibility of a big fish was too much for him.
19. Entire gangs have been arrested, and some very big fish have been netted.
20. The third drawer is for big fish; a decent sea trout, a hefty cod, a couple of salmon.
21. The big fish, seeing the little one there, glides into the basket to gobble him up.
22. Between them they landed the big fish.
23. There are five big fish in the crock.
24. A big fish in a little pond.
25. I'm a big fish in a little pond.
26. In the big sea is produce the big fish.
27. Until then only minions had been arrested, but now they turned their attention to the big fish.
28. On a recent afternoon, he lobbed a variety of plastic lures toward the big fish.
29. Would you rather be a small fish in a big pond, or a big fish in a small pond?
30. How dreadful it would be if you hooked a big fish only to lose it through poking around with an inadequate net.
More similar words: fisheryfishermanfishingselfishjellyfishloaves and fisheshang firebigbigamybiggera big deala big shotfistambiguityambiguousfiscalpacifismfiscal yearconfiscateconfiscationwishdishperishIrishvanishbanishbishopnourishcherishJewish
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